2011年12月27日 星期二


So that we may pursue our future happiness
聲 明 稿
⋯⋯ Statement
《輻射外洩 滅族達悟》
“Radioactivity Leaking into the Environment Exterminating the Tao People
of Orchid Island in Taiwan”
蘭嶼部落文化基金會董事長 夏曼.藍波安
Syaman Rapongan, Tao Foundation Chairman and renowned author
十二月二十一日 二O一一年am02~11
December 21, 2011 – 2am ~ 11am

在 午夜來臨之前,風靜止了,浪平靜了
Right before midnight, the wind finally quieted and the waves calmed.
我們的Akes(阿格斯 )睡著了,我們的Apu(阿布)睡著了
Our Akes (great-grandmother) was asleep, as was our Apu (grandchildren).
睡姿比天空的眼睛 可愛
They were cuter than the eyes of the sky.

Before dawn,
地震來了 海嘯來了
An earthquake came. A tsunami came.
In order to survive,
夏曼Pongso No Ta-u西婻Pongso No Ta-u 在灘頭準備早餐
Syaman Rapongan and Sinan Mavivo of Orchid Island, the homeland of the Tao People
prepared on the edge of the beach a breakfast of
飛魚 芋頭
flying fish and taro.

台灣政府的核電廠的老闆 說
the boss of the nuclear power plant of the Taiwan Government,
笨蛋 到台灣的總統府吃早餐
this jerk, goes to the Presidential Palace to have breakfast.
It’s safest there, at the center of Taiwan,
eating breakfast with the president.
生番 這是你們的早餐
For the uncivilized, here is your breakfast:
男人吃鈷60 女人吃銫137
For the men, we have Cobalt-60, and for the women, Cesium-137.
Breakfast for the children – extermination.

We have already made sure that your radioactive legacy absolutely has not diminished.
一九四七年一月二十九日以後,你們不會說我們的語言,所以強制灌我們三個字的漢姓漢名,這樣才是文明的 “中國人”才是“大中華民族”的一支。
Since January 29, 1947, you haven’t been able to speak our language, so you forced on us three-character Chinese names. Thus, we would become civilized “Chinese” and one of the branches of the “Peoples of Greater China”.
On some day in some month in 1964, a distinguished husband and wife came to our pristine island. They met our honest women, saw our verdant fields, and visited our traditional underground houses, after which they returned to your big island of Taiwan.
Then, in 1969 the Veterans Affairs Commission stole and occupied our land, the military and convicts arrived, who lied to and insulted our women. They also brought oxen and horse that trampled our verdant fields.
Starting in 1970, our traditional homes became concrete matchboxes. Starting in 1984, the government of Taiwan, without the consent of the Tao People, initiated bombing of Little Orchid Island by air force planes, rendering it a stretch of scorched earth.
In 1980, you said that you wanted to build us a fish cannery. Later, Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137 escaped from this “cannery” with a green roof to tell its story.
從我們的相遇起,你們 台灣的政府一直破壞我們的幸福。
Since our first encounter, all your government of Taiwan has done to us is to destroy our happiness.
We are seeking happiness and peace. But under your rule, the more we seek them, the farther they are from our grasp.
1000萬 X 1000萬 = 為了追求我們明天的幸福基金。
10 million x 10 million = the funds for pursuing our future happiness
*2011年12月17日,達悟民族取得空前的大團結與共識, 要求製造達悟民族集體災難者:中華民國政府回到正式的談判桌上, 與達悟民族代表展開島國與島國的對話協商,並簽署達悟民族島嶼治理協議。 
二、劃線支票或匯票:抬頭「財團法人蘭嶼部落文化基金會」請加註「禁止背書轉讓」及反核廢娟註字樣, 逕寄本會:台東縣蘭嶼鄉椰油村12-1號 
電 話:089-731000 傳 真:089-732173

